This is an important tool for ensuring the regulation of OTT providers as well as linear TV channels to create...
Author: ukccd
Audio-visual and BrexitAudio-visual and Brexit
The UKCCD is monitoring the situation and advocating that the 2018 revised AVMS directive is transposed into UK law. This...
IFCCD – Message from the PresidentIFCCD – Message from the President
A message from the IFCCD President during this critical time for artists. Any information you can share with IFCCD on...

Exclude cultural and audio-visual sectors from trade agreementsExclude cultural and audio-visual sectors from trade agreements
The UNESCO Convention exists to protect each nation’s cultural sovereignty. It allows states to implement measures necessary to support a...

Keeping Benefits of EU Single MarketKeeping Benefits of EU Single Market
UKCCD is working with partners to keep benefits for UK’s arts/creative industries in any future negotiations with the EU. These...

Become a UKCCD member todayBecome a UKCCD member today
Our key partners include: BECTU// Equity// Musicians Union// NUJ// The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society// The Writers Guild // Creative Industries Federation // What’s Next // Voice of the Viewer and...
The Challenge of BrexitThe Challenge of Brexit
Interview with Holly Aylett by Adele Tourte on responses to Brexit and its potential impact on the arts and audiovisual...
Euclid launches KNOW BREXITEuclid launches KNOW BREXIT
KNOW BREXIT is a platform which aims to help the arts and culture sector understand the implications of Brexit and...
Creatives’ July Letter to Juncker on TerritorialityCreatives’ July Letter to Juncker on Territoriality
In response to proposed changes affecting rules governing online transmissions of broadcasters programmes/ services and copyright EU creative industry/creator organisations...
Revision of EU Audiovisual Media Services DirectiveRevision of EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity have responded to the Commission’s proposed revision of the AVMS directive calling for measures...