The number of TV channels based in the UK halves post-Brexit but the UK remains leading AV market in Europe....
UKCCD Briefing for culture in Free Trade AgreementsUKCCD Briefing for culture in Free Trade Agreements
UKCCD has drafted an updated trade briefing in order to protect our cultural sovereignty and in response to the proposed...
UKCCD response to Ofcom’s reportUKCCD response to Ofcom’s report
UKCCD has made a submission to OFCOM’s Report on the Future of public service broadcasting, Small Screen: Big Debate, underlining...
Global Watch on Culture and Digital Trade, Feb 2021Global Watch on Culture and Digital Trade, Feb 2021
The International Federation of Coalitions has partnered with the Centre for Studies on Intebration and Globalisation (CEIM) at the University...
UNESCO ResiliArt ReportUNESCO ResiliArt Report
In April last year UNESCO launched a movement to sound the alarm on the impact of the Covid crisis on...
New blog post – February 2021New blog post – February 2021
In the whirlwind of reviewing the real impact of Brexit, who is sticking up for our artists, authors, poets and film...
New blog post – December 2020New blog post – December 2020
How can the UK ensure our Cultural Sovereignty? What is important to consider as part of the Trade Bill currently...
New blog post – October 2020New blog post – October 2020
How to manage Big Tech in favour of creators. Is the UK handling it well?
Standing with CICAE: Save arthouse cinemas to ensure film diversityStanding with CICAE: Save arthouse cinemas to ensure film diversity
CICAE, the international confederation of art-house cinemas, is calling for governments to take urgent action to save art-house cinemas, and for...
New blog post – September 2020New blog post – September 2020
On the dangers for UK creative industries evident in US trade deal with Canada and Mexico. Read about it on...