UKCCD Chair, Carole Tongue, (who also Chairs the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity), attended the first session of the European...
SAA’s position paper on AISAA’s position paper on AI
In the lead-up to the Discoverability & AI conference in Brussels tomorrow, where our Chair Carole Tongue will speak, we...
Joint letter on the Creative Europe budget cutsJoint letter on the Creative Europe budget cuts
UKCCD through ECCD has signed the letter to EU institutions objecting to proposed cuts in Creative Europe budget. See it...
Speech to London4EuropeSpeech to London4Europe
“Does Brexit have to mean less cultural diversity and weaker creative industries?” – By Carole Tongue, Former MEP, Chair of...
Culture at the Heart of European Parliament Plenary Session in OctoberCulture at the Heart of European Parliament Plenary Session in October
UKCCD joins European Coalitions in welcoming the European Parliament’s adoption of ‘An Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation’ with...
ECCD letter to Commissioner Mariya GabrielECCD letter to Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity stated in mid-March 2020 that the “Covid-19 crisis will have a very adverse impact...
2018 revised Audio-Visual Media Service Directive2018 revised Audio-Visual Media Service Directive
This is an important tool for ensuring the regulation of OTT providers as well as linear TV channels to create...
Audio-visual and BrexitAudio-visual and Brexit
The UKCCD is monitoring the situation and advocating that the 2018 revised AVMS directive is transposed into UK law. This...

Exclude cultural and audio-visual sectors from trade agreementsExclude cultural and audio-visual sectors from trade agreements
The UNESCO Convention exists to protect each nation’s cultural sovereignty. It allows states to implement measures necessary to support a...