New government, new era

UKCCD welcomes the new Labour Government and calls for a new affirmative approach to fully support the diverse creative industries and creators of the UK. 

Policy initiatives should include :

  • rejoining the European Creative Europe programme, particularly necessary for the embattled independent film sector;
  • embracing solutions offered by the EU to remove obstacles to musicians and artists’ mobility; 
  • addressing the crisis for arts in schools to build the next generation of creators; 
  • injecting much-needed funding into our indie film industry and particularly a new Young Audience Content Fund through a minimum 1% levy on streamers; 
  • strengthening provisions for Ofcom to regulate in the public interest and in particular to secure discoverability and due prominence for public service content on all platforms (without this the commercial values will run away with new public service media system);
  • leading constructive debate in support of the BBC as an integral part of our constitution and our public broadcasting space.